Sunday, January 22, 2012

Dear Diet Coke

You know my unending love for you. I have stated on numerous occasions you are my only remaining vice and I will love and defend you against others that try to stand up to your amazingness (side eye diet p and store brands), but for the last two days, anything cooler than warm is like razor blades in my throat thank you very much chemo. I can't fathom drinking you warm, but who knows, desperate times and all..... I <3 you and will see you again soon. Promise.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Did I tell you

that I have the best friends? Today we came home to this love of family and friends on our door as well as a basket of goodies. Chemo went well, we were there for about 4.5 hours. It was a little emotionally overwhelming but the nurses were great. A couple friends that work for Swedish stopped by too which was really nice. The door message is from Martina McBride's song I'm Gonna Love You Through It (click the link to watch the video)... Bring your tissues.
PS - I got the over the shoulder bag, not the fanny pack. But you should still probably dig out your fanny pack, because if I have to wear one, you have to wear one! See, great friends!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

No go

Got a call that due to power being out at the hospital, chemo was cancelled for the day. They will call in the morning and let me know if we are on for tomorrow.
We lost power last night about 7, it came back on at 11, then was off this morning when we woke up and the house was COLD so I'm guessing it had been off for awhile. It came back on around noon, then off again around 1. Back on again around 4. We have so many trees (or used to) that every time a branch broke and hit the house it scared the bejesus out of me and the dogs.
If you don't have a Boy Scout, or at least a backpacking stove, I'd highly recommend getting one. And some Starbucks Via. Power or no power, Mama needs her coffee.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

First chemo tomorrow...

A little nervous because my chest still hurts where they put in the port, so the idea of poking a needle through there is a little scary. My friend Joni who works at Swedish thought weather wouldn't postpone it, and no one called today to reschedule so I guess we're on.
Did you hear it snowed in Seattle today?

I was able to work from home, so didn't have to drive in it.

Have you heard of Pinterest? I love it! Shoot me an email or comment if you want an invite.
I am so inspired to be crafty.... I saw this:

And after my first trip to Hobby Lobby - I made these:

I thought they turned out pretty neat. PS - now is the time of year for one of my favorites, cherry lovers hearts. Go get you some!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Here we go....

I had a endoscopy on Wednesday because the PET scan showed some areas in my stomach that my oncologist wanted to have a closer look at. There were a few areas that they biopsied but nothing they were concerned as being cancerous. Friday I had a Port-a-Cath put in, which was is a little bit uncomfortable, but I should feel better in a couple of days I'm told. We went in at 9am and were out by 2pm. I was exhausted and didn't remember much after being splayed out of the table with the nurses prodding me for what seemed like FOREVER and me finally saying, "would you PLEASE knock me out?!?!?" They got the message.
Things are a bit fuzzy when I woke up. Apparently I ordered an egg salad sandwich (What the HECK? no idea) but I did take a picture of the plate and cover it came in for my 365 project which I found on my phone today. Or someone did and is playing tricks on me. Not sure.
First chemo is this Thursday 1/19.
Thank you so much for all the kind words and love I have been shown by so many. They really are what lifts my spirits and makes me smile on a daily basis. I am so blessed to have such amazing friends and family.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans

We met with the oncologist last week and he informed us that there were some additional tests that came in after the initial tumor board that are making them reconsider whether or not I should do Chemo. This came as quite a shock to Joe and me as we thought we were past this.

On Friday we spoke to another oncologist as Swedish that was recommended by a couple of friends and he agreed with the first doctor and recommended that I do the chemo.

Wanting an opinion outside of Swedish, we went to the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance this Thursday and the consensus was the same. He also asked if anyone had talked to us about the spot in my stomach that was visible on the Pet Scan. My surgeon told us there was an area they couldn't see well on the pet scan and he looked at it laproscopically during my surgery, but I don't recall hearing more about it after that. Nevertheless, this Dr. is recommending checking it out further with a scope.

Which brought us to yesterday, and our final oncology appointment back at Swedish Issaquah. We really liked this oncologist and we love the facility. I have a couple of friends that work there so it just feels right to me. His opinion was the same as the first 3 and he also mentioned the stomach and showed us the Pet Scan.

So, bottom line - I'll be doing 6 months of chemo after all. As my friend Sheila told me, no one wants to be the idiot that gets voted off survivor with an idol in their pocket. So that's how were looking at this. Insurance. Because I'm told if the cancer comes back, it comes back as stage 4 automatically, so if we can do anything to prevent this, that's what we need to do. I love the saying Live.Laugh.Love - heck, it was our wedding them. So now it's time to focus on the Live.

So, I am having a scope/scan of my stomach this Wednesday, and if that is all good, my chemo port goes in Friday and I start chemo 1/19. It will be every other week and takes about 5 hours to administer I'm told. I then go home with a device in a fanny pack (seriously?!?!) that I have to wear for 48 hours that continues to pump in the meds. After that, I go back to the hospital and it gets removed. Rinse and repeat 12 times over the next 6 months.