Monday, December 29, 2008


So, my dear friend Gina (check out the flickr link to the right on her blog called "365+1 project") talked me into doing a "365" project this year. I was really impressed with how her project turned out in 2008, and can't wait to get started on mine for 2009. Let me know if you're interested and I'll get you all set up in our little group.

Here's her picure from her project on 5/3/08 - cool right?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas from Our Home to Yours

Well, we got our white christmas and were still able to see most of the family, so we'll call it a win-win. Here are a few of my favorite shots.

With Grandma Maxine
Davie Boy, Jeremy, and Leanne

Jeremy and Mom with the candle holder Jeremy picked out - I love it!

Cousin Kris's Birthday Celebration (Jeremy played the Clarinet)

Santa brought and electric Razor Scooter (the snow prevented Jeremy from trying it out :( )

All my kids

Family Shot (in the snow)

Cousins Wyatt, Jeremy, Quinn & ZakCousin Eddy

Friday, December 19, 2008

Bailey's First Boyfriend

She is OBSESSED with the Grinch. She doesn't try to destroy him, like her other "babies" so I think this is true love. Whenever she sees him, she grabs him & either carries him around in her mouth, or just lays down and cuddles him. So Cute.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

White Christmas? I love you. Nice job on your 12/25/08 forecast.

Can I tell you how much this excites me?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let it Snow....

Jeremy and Daniel enjoying the snow... Guess who watched National Lampoon's last night?
Sledding/Boarding down the hill (video)

Saturday, December 13, 2008


On an afternoon shopping trip to Winco, Christmas came early when we found SOUR BALLS in bulk. I turned my back and the bulk dispenser must have gone haywire, because Joe managed to FILL a plastic bag with 5lbs of them ($1.55/lb!!).

Place your bets folks, how long before they're gone?
__ End of the Night
__ End of the Weekend
__ End of the Week

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Did you know...

Jeremy is playing the Clarinet? The good news is you can actually identify the songs lately. If you are lucky enough to see us on Christmas Eve, Jeremy is planning his only little Christmas Concert for the family. For the rest of you - here's a Christmas Preview... (click the arrow to play)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008


Was a blast. It has taken a week, but I think I'm recovered. The weather was beautiful and Joe and I had a great time. We saw Jubilee! and Cirque Du Soleil, "O" which were both fabulous. We spent lots of time wandering and checking out the casinos and attractions - my feet were beat!! We wandered into the Toby Keith bar around noon one day and didn't make it out until sometime that night (my timekeeping skills were shot by then)
Anyhoo - a couple shots for your viewing pleasure.
Playboy Club

Flamingo Girl

Toby Keith Bar (Tim the Bartender)
You know me, I *HAD* to dance on the bar

And drink too much...

Joe having his "Inn and Out" Burger (he was really excited)

Vegas+Buffet=Desert Buffet, right?

The End.