Friday, February 13, 2009

Arrow of Light

Jeremy and his Cub Scout Den crossed over to Boy Scouts on Friday night.  We had the Blue and Gold ceremony at our church education center (same place as the wedding reception).  
Uncle, Auntie, David, Leanne, Oma, Papa and Aunt Sue came out to support Jeremy. (Thanks again for coming)  Tuesday is our first Boy Scout meeting Jeremy is really looking forward to starting something new with "older boy" activities.
Getting their Arrows from Brandon, their Den Chief from their new Boy Scout Troop
Signing the Bridge before crossing over.
All of the Boys with their awards
My 365 picture of the day (the theme this week was RED!)


Shannon said...

Congratulations again to Jeremy! That takes hard work. (And from one scout mom to another, congratulations to you, too!)
I love how they have the boys sign the bridge... our group didn't do that, and it would be a great way to remember all of the boys who crossed over before.
Can't wait to see pics of Jeremy getting his Eagle! :)

gina said...

this is so cool! so much work for both of you.

so are you going to be making a new scrapbook of boy scout stuff noe?