Friday, December 5, 2008


Was a blast. It has taken a week, but I think I'm recovered. The weather was beautiful and Joe and I had a great time. We saw Jubilee! and Cirque Du Soleil, "O" which were both fabulous. We spent lots of time wandering and checking out the casinos and attractions - my feet were beat!! We wandered into the Toby Keith bar around noon one day and didn't make it out until sometime that night (my timekeeping skills were shot by then)
Anyhoo - a couple shots for your viewing pleasure.
Playboy Club

Flamingo Girl

Toby Keith Bar (Tim the Bartender)
You know me, I *HAD* to dance on the bar

And drink too much...

Joe having his "Inn and Out" Burger (he was really excited)

Vegas+Buffet=Desert Buffet, right?

The End.


Kari said...

I love your elf dance!!!
And tell Joe I am SO JEALOUS of his In & Out Burger!

Anonymous said...

TOBY KEITH BAR - - - yahooooooo!!!! That was one of my fav. spots too...though I stayed away from that free pour! ~ jen

gina said...

i'm jealous. i can't even get jas to consider vegas as a vacation spot.i am so glad you had fun, not that i expected anything less of you!