Thursday, August 21, 2008

Update on Jeremy

The exciting news of the day is that Jeremy no longer needs to walk on his toes - he can actually stand flat footed! Jeremy had his every other month check-up with the fabulous Dr.'s at Children's Rheumatology as well as check up with the Children's Physical Therapist yesterday.

I really wanted to talk to them about when we will be backing him off the Prednisone, as he has been on a pretty high dose for 3 months. We were told that since we started doing the Methotrexate injections once a week about a month ago that we would be able to back off the Prednisone soon. Good thing because we can hardly afford to feed him anymore. :) We no longer order off the children's menu, which was fine, often too much food in fact, 3 months ago. We used to order chicken nuggets and fries wherever we went, and I kid you not, he ordered a steak and mashed potatoes last night. He has gained almost 25lbs in the last 3 months!

So, anyways, the Physical Therapist thought he was progressing nicely. She sent him home with more exercises to do at home, as well as some to do in the hot-tub. He is still very tight in his legs and feet. The Rheumatologist also thinks he is progressing nicely, but is still concerned with how tight he still is. She did think it was time to back off the Prednisone though, so we will be tapering down in the next two months. We will also be continuing with Adam, the Physical Therapist Jeremy sees 3 times a week in Covington.

So, that's about it on the medical front. He is making slow progress, but it is progress, and I have to remind myself that they told us from the get to that this would be around a year long recovery process. I'm just not a very patient person (I know, shocking).

Jeremy starts his new school in a couple weeks, Jenkins Creek. He is really nervous, but I have great hopes that he will be fine and even hopefully meet some new kids that live close by. He is VERY worried that he will not see his buddies anymore, but I have assured him that this will not happen.

As we head into fall, he is trying do decide if he wants to do Tae Kwon Do at the place where he will be going to for before and after care this fall (it is right across the street from his new school) or start swimming again. We'll see. He has decided to hang up his cleats and not play baseball this fall, which pain's me as his baseball loving mom, but I have to tell myself it's not about me. We will also be starting back with Scouts - I keep telling myself we graduate in 6 short months (yeah!) as this is when the boys will graduate Cub Scout Webelos and cross over into Boy Scouts.
We hope you had a great summer and I'll continue to update this blog on our activities as well as how Jeremy is progressing.

1 comment:

gina said...

i am so glad he's making progress. i can't imagine being on prednisone for so long, 27 days was awful for me, and everyone around me. i am sure he'll be happy to taper off it. thanks for the update it's nice to know how jeremy's doing!