Monday, July 21, 2008

Just my luck

I had a fabulous day yesterday.
I took my dad to the Mariners game and had a lovely day at the ball field watching them lose (duh!) but all and all, Dad and I had a great time. It's been too long since we have done something, just the two of us. After the game we met my mom and Jeremy at my brother and Erin's house for fresh dungeness crab salad (YUM) that they got this weekend on Whidbey.
After dinner and cake - we headed out for our long drive home. Joe had a softball tournament, so he met us for dinner and we headed home in separate cars. Thank the LORD that Jeremy opted to ride with Joe - he likes Joe's truck (I refuse to admit it's his company) better than my car. Anyhoo, onto the big events of the day. On the way home, I took the 277th st. exit off 167 to come home and I was waiting at the red light to turn left. All of a sudden I feel the crash before I can see in my rear view mirror that this idiot just smashed into me. I was shaking and scared, but this nice couple pulled up next to me and I rolled down my window and he asked if I was ok and they offered to pull over and wait with me until the police arrived. Yeah! for nice people that still exist in this world. When I got out of my car, I noticed Joe coming up the off ramp and he jumped out of his truck and yelled at the guy "YOU HIT HER DIDN'T YOU!! YOU WERE DRIVING LIKE AN IDIOT!!"
My Hero.
So, the police show up and we all noticed the guy was acting weird and smelled like he'd been drinking so Jeremy got to witness his first Field Sobriety Test and subsequent "cuffing and stuffing" of the gentleman when he wouldn't cooperate with the breathalyzer. Good times.
So, I'm taking the day off work as my back is really sore. I went to urgent care and they said it's classic Whiplash and sent me home with some meds. This is just one more thing I don't need to deal with. My CRV will need some work, but it held up really well. The spare tire on the back destroyed the idiot's car, it looked totaled - the whole front end was smashed in.
I'm going to nap now.


gina said...

1. i am so glad you are scary to get into a car accident
2.welcome to the blogging world. it's a good place to be!

Carlanna said...

I am going to need your help!!

Kari said...

you better have gina help you with your blog----her blog kicks my blogs ass! :)

Carlanna said...

I know - she rocks - did you check out her May 4 blog?